George’s journeys

Archive for June, 2008

29 Jun

Life In Review

I took a quote I got of John McCain and realized its also the best way to ride a bike especially with a trailer, “In the Navy, we often talk of the need to keep a “steady strain” on the lines between ships, to avoid a sudden jerk or movement that could easily snap the […]

28 Jun

Keeping busy

Since being stuck here just to take my landlord into court and the last 30 days of camping expenses I am filling out job applications now and going into a work program that the shelter provides to regain and maybe give me an edge on my finances. I figure that right before I get on […]

28 Jun

The landlord from hell

Of the 30 days my landlord legally has here in Missouri to return my deposit, the 28th of June is the last mailing day since the actual day 30 would be on a Sunday. I left the campsite and have moved into a shelter so I will be prepared to take him to court just […]

28 Jun

First major road problem

I bent both of my 26″ trailer rims when my trailer rolled into a ditch and have my original 20″ rims back on but I think they would of been messed up too if they were the ones I was using. Now I am also having trouble with the tongue of my trailer and am […]

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